3D PAVOFLEX SILICONE MOLD "Citron" - Cédric Grolet
The 3D PAVOFLEX SILICONE MOLD "Citron" - Cédric Grolet is a versatile mold measuring 400 x 300 mm with 20 indents, each with a diameter of Ø 60 x h 37 mm and a volume of 65 ml. It is specifically designed to be used in conjunction with the XF7020 mold, and the Cédric Grolet for Pavoni line offers a kit of silicone molds for 3 different subjects - lemon, hazelnut, and chestnuts. These molds allow for creating various types of desserts, including mono-tarts, 3D single portions, and traditional cakes. Each silicone mold has been meticulously crafted with unique variations and details, resulting in a truly original and authentic finished product. Explore the Cédric Grolet for Pavoni line, curated by the award-winning pastry chef, Cédric Grolet.
Capacity: 20 cavities
Dimensions: dim. Ø 60 x h 37 mm ~ 65 ml
Mould dim. 400 x 300 mm.